
Palliative Care MOOC project videos have been created as educational resources that capture simulations of medical maneuvers, situational medical interventions, accompanied by specific medical communications, faithful to the elaborated palliative procedures.

By doing this it is expected that it will teach not only state of the art medical content and skills in various languages but also place the content in a variety of medical situations in which doctors and nurses communicate with patients or in which interdisciplinary team practitioners communicate among themselves in the national language or in a foreign language on palliative medical topics, specific to the elaborated procedures.


Performing urethrovesical catheterization (foley probe) in female patients


Performimg paracentesis

Automatic syringe

Subcutaneous automatic syringe perfusion

Bed transfer

Transferring the patient from sustained dorsal decubitus to sustained lateral decubitus

Conspiracy of silence

Conspiracy of silence - handling collusion

Active listening

Management of terminal phase

Communicating news

Communicating the diagnosis of severe illness (bad news)

Spiritual assessment

Understanding patients suffering in the spiritual/religious domain and ways of coping and finding meaning and support through faith


Performing the bedridden patient’s nutrition

Oral care

Perform daily hygiene of teeth, gums, mouth of incapacitated patients

Patient bath

Bed bath - washing a bedridden patient by using water and common soap

Pain assessment

Pain Assessment - Measuring Pain In Conscious Adult Patients Using The Visual Analogue Scale

Pain prescribing

Prescribing pain medication according to the Who-pain ladder

Burn out syndrome

Dealing with empathic reaction of overwhelming emotional exhaustion, feelings of ineffectiveness and self-doubt.

End of life care

Discussion about end of life care (place of care, aggressive treatment, DNR)

Prevention Ulcer

Prevention pressure ulcer - repositioning

Awareness level

Evaluation of the patient awareness level of his/her disease

Patients’ network

Mapping patient’s network

Caregivers’ needs

Addressing caregiver’s needs
