Below you will find information on the activities developed to guarantee that the quality of the project processes and results meet the predetermined standards. The aim of this activity is to introduce the procedures to medical educational and professional sectors to test the correctitude of the medical procedures presented, to check them in practice and finally to validate them. The activity target group will be the representatives of the educational sector – medical students and teachers and in the world of work from the medical field – doctors, nurses, social assistants from the partners’ or associated partners’ hospitals, home cares, hospices dealing with palliative care.
Medical providers from public and private medical institutions from Romania got involved in validation of the procedures designed in the framework of the MedLang Palliative Care project.
Report and feedback from the validation activities PDF (0.5 MB)
Students from medical university got involved in debating and validating the cultural aspects taken into consideration in the procedures designed in the framework of the MedLang Palliative Care project.
Worksheets and feedback from the validation activities PDF (30 MB)