Massive open online courses with videos for palliative clinical
field and intercultural and multilingual medical communication.
Ref. no.: 2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940
During the project life (2014-2017) project partners will be involved in periodical international meetings with the aim to collaborate in setting up each stage from the project progress. From this section you can access each international meeting album, including photos and documents created. This section is mainly dedicated to project partners and for the evaluators and it is password protected.
For the implementation of the project, partners will be involved in various activities - researches, development of content, production of intellectual outputs, trainings, management, dissemination, exploitation, quality assurance. This section is dedicated to project partners and for the evaluators and it is password protected.
Opening-up medical education for specialist training and non-specialist audiences addressing palliative care and the medical communication in this field in 6 languages, MedLang project create a range of intellectual outputs/ tangible deliverables. The section presents the complete list of project intellectual outputs.