
July 2017

Round of trial blended activities for learners in Romania

MedLang Project represents the perfect chance for students to improve their medical communication skills. It is also important for us to see how both the medical personnel and patients cope with difficult situations. Getting next to different theorized medical procedures is a notable advantage for students in order not ignore or underestimate procedures such as patient bath, spiritual assessment or transfer in bed. (Călin, 1st year medical student)

June 2017

Panel Session within the International Congress of Health Workforce Education and Research, Porto, Portugal

Opening-up medical education through Palliative Care MOOC EU project addressing palliative care and the medical communication.

June 2017

Erasmus+ Projects Event organized by ANPCDEFP, Romania

Presentation of the Palliative Care MOOC project

June 2017

Curso de Actualización en Cuidados Paliativos Colegio de Médicos de Madrid

Curso organizado por el Programa MedLang (Massive open online courses with videos for palliative clinical field and intercultural and multilingual medical communication) Acreditado por el Colegio de Médicos de Madrid.

June 2017

Round of trial blended activities for learners in Belgium

All about MOOCs; MOOC MedLang; Palliative care: national and international perspective; Development process of MedLang; MedLang: hands-on session

May 2017

Panel session within the International Conference A social Europe for youth: education to employment, Oradea, Romania

Panel 1 – Social integration of vulnerable groups, social dialog – Petris Ovidiu, PhD Associated Professor University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T.Popa”, Iasi, Social responsibility in palliative care – procedures and educational solutions generated by Med&Lang Erasmus+ program.

24 March 2017

Event Francophonie et développement professionnel, UMF Iasi

Presentation of the Palliative Care MOOC project

21 February 2017

Dissemination activity with medical students

Presentation of the project and the educational products created with medical students and work on the medical procedures. Over 30 students involved.

December 2016

Article published in the proceedings of Trends In Medical Language Teaching And Learning, ISBN 978-973-169-464-1, 2016, Timisoara

Title of article: Implementing a trans-disciplinary CLIL learning/ teaching programme through the MEDLANG SOSMOOC project. Abstract: The article is a study of the Med&Lang project (2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940), which creates open digital educational resources for medical lecturers, language teachers, medical students, nurses, doctors and lay people accidentally involved in palliative care.

27-29 October 2016

'News in palliative care' Palliative Care National Conference, XVII edition

188 doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other professionals from all over the country involved or interested in palliative care had attended the conference organized by the National Association for Palliative Care. Within the conference Palliatice Care MOOC project has been presented.

14 October 2016

1st Project Multiplier Event in Romania

1st project multiplier event has been organized in Iasi, Romania , by Fundatia EuroEd and the Gr.T.Popa Medical University with the aim for presentation of the Guide of operational procedures in palliative care and expansion of the Palliative Care MOOC Network. Over 50 participants (30 participants, outside the partnership, from 24 public and private medical and educational institutions from Romania)

10 September 2016

Medical English Conference, City College Norwich, UK

The presentation introduces the innovative Medlang Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) created through Med&Lang project (2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940), which aims at meeting the growing language needs of students, doctors or nurses who work in palliative care and live in a mobile environment.

15-16 June 2016

4th International Project Meeting

Fourth international partners’ meeting took place in Madrid, Spain and has been hosted by Universidad Europea Madrid. The main aim of the meeting was to discuss about the results of the project theoretical & practical research and group work for elaboration of the guide of procedures in palliative care.

Click here for more pictures
14 October 2016

International Nursing Week Iasi

Presentation of the project, with the title Feeding the patient: different approaches - Med&Lang Palliative Care Project (2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940) Erasmus+programme financed by the European Committee included in the international event with participation of over 150 participants from different EU countries.

26 May 2016

Activity with medical students

Presentation of the palliative care protocols developed on the MedLang project, discussions and validation of the cultural aspects related to the protocols with the students of the Medical University Iasi.

21 May 2016

MedLang at Long Night of Museums Event

MedLang project had been presented to over 200 participants at the Long Night of Museums Event, Edition 2016 organised at Iasi City Hall.

19 May 2016

Dissemination event with medical students

Presentation of the MedLang project to medical students from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa" Iasi, raising their interest in the project and the importance of EU standardized palliative care procedures.

May 2016

MedLang on PIN Magazine

The MedLang project has been mentioned in the publication PIN Magazine - IT and outsourcing industry magazine, launched in May 2016
Click here to see the article (available in Romanian)

17-18 Mach 2016

International Conference

Poster presentation and distribution of MedLang project flyers during the International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education held in Florence, Italy and organized by Pixel.

17-18 December 2015

3rd International Project Meeting

Third international partners’ meeting took place in Antwerp, Belgium and has been hosted by Karel de Grote-Hogeschool. The main aim of the meeting was to discuss about the results of the project theoretical & practical research and group work for elaboration of the guide of procedures in palliative care.
Click here for more pictures

23 November 2015

MedLang selected as Best Practice project

MedLang project has been selected as best practice project by the Romanian national agency (ANPCDEFP) and promoted during the Conference "Learn and gives further" (Învață și dă mai departe ComunitatE+), Bucharest, Romania.

10 November 2015

MedLang project video presentationn

Video presentation of the project free to watch on YouTube
Find out more about MedLang project and its activities

19-21 November 2015

International Conference and Article Publication

The 5th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2015, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania, November 19-21, 2015.
Workshop and publication of the article Palliative care MOOC project research findings and the development of standardized protocols: Multimedia applications for medical and healthcare education and e-learning.
Click here for the article

November 2015

MedLang YouTube Channel

Medlang project is available now on YouTube (MedLang Palliative -
Follow the project to find out more about the activities to be implemented, results to be developed and other useful resources related to palliative care.

22 September 2015

KdG in Europa with MedLang!

Article about Medlang project published in the Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Faculty Of Health Care newsletter.

25-27 June 2015

International Conference

14th International AELFE Conference - Developments in professional/academic communication and implications for language education and research, in Bucharest Romania, co-organised with QUEST Romania and ASE Bucharest. During the conference an workshop has been held with the title “Palliative Care Educational Toolkit for Medical Communication”, presenting the MedLang project.

28 May 2015

Meeting with the Education advisory board of the professional bachelor programme Nursing

In Antwerp, Belgium, over 20 people (board members, students and professionals) have been informed about the project and invited to support the development of the project products.

21-22 May 2015

2nd International Project Meeting

Second international partners’ events took place in Pinerolo, Italy and has been hosted by Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3. The main aim of the events was harmonization of content, connections between different protocols, suggestions, feedback and discussions on the guide of procedures.

8-9 May 2015

Publication of article

Article “State of the art methods stimulating students’ interest- Med&Lang case study” has been published in the proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference Of The Lsp Unit - Education, Research and Development in the Global World, organized by FEAA UAIC Iasi, Romania.

24-25 April 2015

International Conference

Participation with the workshop and publication of article with the title “Palliative Care and Medical Communication” within the International Conference Interdisciplinary approaches between traditional and modern methods, Iași Romania.

17 February 2015

MedLang Twitter Account

Medlang project is available now on Twitter (@Med_Lang). Follow the project to find out more about the activities to be implemented, results to be developed and other useful resources related to palliative care.

26 January 2015

MedLang Facebook Page

Medlang project is available now on Facebook (@Med&Lang PalliativeCare). . Follow the project to find out more about the activities to be implemented, results to be developed and other useful resources related to palliative care.

18-19 December 2014

1st International Project Meeting

First international partners’ events took place in Iasi, Romania and has been hosted by Gr.T.Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy in collaboration with Fundatia EuroEd. The main aim of the events was to set up the management and implementation project plan and to debate on the concept of palliative medicine and on the most essential procedures on palliative care.
